What Might Happen If Your Diet is Lacking in Vitamin B1

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What Might Happen If Your Diet is Lacking in Vitamin B1Vitamin B1 is the very first identified nutrient in the group of B-vitamins by scientists. Also known as thiamin or thiamine, it’s important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, healthy nervous system and many others. That is why you have to make sure that you’re including plenty of vitamin B1-rich foods in your daily diet.

All sorts of problems may arise if you fail to supply your body with good amounts of vitamin B1 daily. The intake of vitamin B1 supplement is not always necessary as you may be able to obtain it from a wide variety of food sources. Before we mention some of the excellent sources, let us first take a quick look at the complications of vitamin B1 deficiency:


If you are feeling exhausted all of the time, you might want to consider consuming more foods with good amounts of vitamin B1. Fatigue is a common symptom of a diet that’s lacking in vitamin. As mentioned above, the nutrient is important for the utilization of carbohydrates so that they may be used as fuel by the body.


Muscle Weakness and Cramps

Especially if you are leading an active lifestyle, it’s important to make sure that you are getting good amounts of vitamin B1 on an everyday basis. Otherwise, you may have a hard time carrying out various physical activities as muscle weakness is one of the effects of vitamin B1 deficiency. You may also experience muscle cramps frequently.

Weight Loss

Not everyone is looking to shed off pounds, especially those who are already in their ideal weight. You may experience unnecessary weight reduction if your diet is lacking in vitamin B1. That’s because insufficient intake of the said vitamin may cause loss of appetite, something that may promote malnutrition.

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Various Digestive Problems

Other than loss of appetite, there are a handful of other digestive issues you may suffer from if you fail to get sufficient amounts of vitamin B1 daily. For instance, abnormal production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach may leave you with digestive discomfort. Constipation, diarrhea and nausea may also be experienced.

Mental Disturbances

If it seems like you’re being bugged by anxiety and panic attacks, you might want to include more vitamin B1-rich foods in the diet. Vitamin B1 is important for the proper balance of brain chemicals. With insufficient intake of the said nutrient, it’s not unlikely for you to end up with some emotional disturbances.


This health condition is primarily brought about by vitamin B1 deficiency. There are actually 2 kinds of beriberi: wet and dry. Wet beriberi may affect the functioning of the heart. In extreme cases, the disease may also cause heart failure. Dry beriberi damages the nerve and eventually causes muscle weakness and even paralysis.

Wernicke’s Disease

If there is insufficient vitamin B1 in your body, your nervous system may be affected negatively. The so-called Wernicke’s disease may strike, a condition characterized by biochemical lesions in the patient’s brain, which tend to cause various neurological problems. Hallucinations, memory loss and double vision are other symptoms.

So what are some of the foods that you should include in your everyday diet to steer clear of the problems mentioned above? Trout, salmon, mackerel, tuna, pork, nuts, seeds, green peas, soybeans, navy beans, mung beans, wheat, asparagus — all of these are superb sources of vitamin B1.

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