How to Know if You’re Drinking Enough Water Everyday

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Your body loses water through sweat and urine, throughout the day. This is why you have to constantly hydrate and replenish the fluid loss.

Other beverages, such as sodas, coffee and fruit juices do not count toward the fluid requirement. Coffees and sodas are high in caffeine, which act as a diuretic that can dehydrate you. Fruit juices and other sweetened beverages are the main sources of fructose, which will only deteriorate your health.

So water in its pure form is the main key to hydrate yourself. But how do you know if you are drinking enough water each day? The guideline says it should be 8 glasses of water per day, but this may be not enough for others and too much for some people.

A person’s water requirement can also vary from day to day depending on several factors, like the activity level and weather conditions.

Your body can tell when you need to hydrate yourself with water. It is known as THIRST. Fortunately, there’s also some ways to determine whether or not you need to drink more water, even if you are not feeling thirsty at all.

Signs You’re Not Drinking Enough Water:


On average the number of times a healthy person urinats is about 7-8 times per day. If you have not urinated in several hours, then this is an indication that you are not drinking enough water.


Remember this, a healthy skin is hydrated. Dry skin is also another sign of dehydration. If you’re always using lip balm and lotion, yet you are still dry and flaky. Chances are, you could well be dehydrated.

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A mild or moderate headache, especially when combined with other symptoms of dehydration, can be another sign need to hydrate yourself. If you’re suffering from a slight headache, your body is probably trying to tell you to drink more water.


A dry mouth may suggest that you are mildly dehydrated and therefore you need to drink water. But also remember that some medications may cause a dry mouth, so it just may be a side effect from medicines. Just always keep a bottle of water ready, wherever you go.


If you are suffering from dehydration, you have darker-colored urine. If you urine is dark yellow or worse dark brown, then you’re most probably dehydrated. So drink more water.


Slight hunger pangs are another sign that you are not drinking enough water. Before reaching for your snack, try to drink a glass of water. If your hunger pangs are gone after drinking, then you are not really hungry, just thirsty.


Vertigo or dizziness is another sign of not drinking enough water. This may well be due to the medications you are taking, but if it is in combination with other symptoms above, you be dehydrated.

Symptoms of Chronic Dehydration:

The most common symptoms of dehydration are thirst, dark colored urine, dry skin and fatigue. But there are also several overlooked symptoms that may suggest you’re suffering from more or less chronic dehydration. Such symptoms include:

– Urinary tract infections
– Premature aging
– Confusion and/or anxiety
– High cholesterol
– Digestive disturbances such as constipation and heartburn

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